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An Expressive Arts Immersion Weekend Retreat for Embodied Self-Healing. 


A Women's integrative, somatic, art-based, self-healing retreat.

Come explore healing your relationship to body.


Next Date TBA...Stay tuned!


includes Local, Seasonal GF/Vegan/Paleo Lunch & Beverages



$680 tuition

$100 deposit saves your space,

payment plans available

Limited partial scholarships available for those in financial hardship


Secure your spot today!



A message from Bethany...

Rejection of Body is a rejection of our life-force, creativity, healing, loving, joy, intuition etc. it is the Vessel, the Container we inhabit and travel through in this life. We have learned to reject ourselves through systems of oppression geared at eliminating the power of being embodied and living an empowered life. It is our birthright to create, heal and transform. We are each here to embrace our individual gifts towards this collective movement towards healing. Most of us will do this individually, within our own selves. The way in which we engage with our inner-Self is the key to unlocking the healing that many of us are searching for. We are here to dive deep into the nature of our relationship with our Inner Self, to repair and heal that relationship so we can experience more and more of what we desire in life.

Many of us are struggling to feel safe, seen, understood, acknowledged and cared for. Perhaps we did not have the caregivers we needed, have a trauma history that feels unhealed or recognize our relationships are on repeat with unhealthy patterns.

Through a reconnection to our capacity to tend to ourselves; an understanding that we can self-heal and the willingness to move through discomfort, we will heal and live life from the Whole, Empowered-Self.

Join us in this transitional time to embark on a journey towards your own self-healing journey. This is for those that are ready to be in a community of healing our innermost selves....The Parts of us that need our attention the most, have been communicating with us through patterns, habits & reactions. Learn to help yourself in the most integrated way. We will utilize Ceremony, Group Process, Guided Visualization, Writing and Art to explore, learn and heal from our Core.


In Loving,

Bethany Moore, LPCC, LPAT, ATR-BC

Artist, Alchemist, Self-Healing Guide, Priestess, Mother
















The Oracle Card that inspired this Retreat:

Tender Trust, Beloved Body (Wild Kuan Yin, Card #20, Alana Fairchild)

I want you to feel at home here upon the Earth and to realize you have come here not only to serve but to take delight, to become alive, to exercise your power of choice to manifest a destiny that is brilliant and beautiful and perfectly suited to you. So I have given you a sacred animal, a devoted Body that has offered its entire life in service to your soul growth. When you love this sacred animal and let him or her love you in return then you are able to manifest Your Divine Destiny as a radiant vibrant expression in the world.

Trust that your body knows how to process pleasure and even that which is not so pleasurable and will do so naturally when allowed to remain open and connected to life. This openness keeps your body empowered to not only digest, but to complete the cycle of processing and experience. It does this by generating a natural source of energy not unlike food being converted into energy. you can then use that energy in an intentional and empowered way; to express, to create, to manifest.

If you have been working on your spiritual growth or have been trying to bring a dream to life but have found it hard to sustain a sense of joy, vitality or pleasure, then you are guided to lovingly but firmly guide yourself away from “living in your head” and into a more embodied existence. This will bring you closer to your goal. You are guided to know that you can trust your body; there is no need to be suspicious of the need for rest, pleasure, connection, affection, exertion or stimulation. Gratitude and affection for your body will bring you and your body greater happiness and generate a stronger energetic emanation to attract Divine success into your life.

If you have struggled with body image, eating or health concerns, know that your body can recover from any trauma, no matter how deep or disturbing, when you support it. You must trust, be gentle and apply the healing balm of Love. Your body knows how to heal itself - to mend a broken bone or even a broken heart. Let there be expression and release. don't try to control the process of healing. be present to it and allow it.

Trust your instincts and intuition! They are telling you something real and helpful.



Healing happens in healing spaces....

The Roundhouse in Tesuque, NM, a very special retreat space with wood floors, outside spaces, a fire's quiet & private with tons of natural light and a strong, healing energy that will assist in our work together. Environment is key! Let's join in the Sacred together! The site has handicap parking and is fully accessible.

Check it out more here:


A sneak peak at our Agenda...


Friday Agenda

12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Beginning our Journey...We will begin with a clearing ceremony and circle setting ritual then review the agenda for the weekend and set group norms. Introductions will include oracle card work. A collaborative group poem process will move us into intention setting followed by a fire ritual. We'll close out the day with a shared meal and closing circle. In the spirit of creating our community for the weekend, Fridays meal will be a Potluck. We will provide main dishes, please bring a meaningful dish you'd love to share. 


Saturday Agenda

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Building a Foundation...We will circle up and open with group discussion/sharing. The day will consist of a variety of guided visualization work, tools for nervous system regulation, somatic work, small and large group process work and art processes aimed at supporting our work with exploring relationship, patterns and beliefs about Body.


Sunday Agenda

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Body as Soul Vessel....Today we explore listening and cultivating awareness. Gaining skills in accepting and validating needs with compassion and honoring the body as sacred. Art, Writing, Movement and other processing oriented exercises will support us in our learning and continued connection with Self & Body.


Frequently asked questions:


Do I need to bring anything?

-A Journal for writing exercises. -A item for the group altar that for you is meaningful at this time in your life as you enter this retreat. -A Shawl. -Layers as weather is variable in March. -Food & Beverage beyond what is provided.


Are Art Supplies Provided?

I'll be sending a separate email after registration that details the Art Supplies needed. You will have the option of bring your own or purchasing an "Art Pack" for purchase.


How many people will be in the group?

Our max is 12 attendees.


What type of seating will there be?

There is both floor cushions, back jacks and wool blankets to make a soft, cozy spot as well as folding chairs for anyone preferring one.


Saying "Yes" opens us to the divine possibility

of our truest potential.  


Need more information? Contact me. 

In Loving, 


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